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CADAS Young People's Service 2024 - News for Teachers and Professionals

What a year it's been for the young people’s service in 2024!  We have helped over 600 young people this year by delivering our vaping awareness programme. Our two youth workers have also delivered a wide variety of educational workshops in schools and youth club settings, as well as bespoke one to one sessions.


Workshop summary for March - Dec 2024

  • 40 schools visited in Cumberland which included 30 secondary, 7 primary and 3 Youth organisations

  • 16 schools in Westmorland & Furness in three different settings including a Pupil Referral Unit

  • 155 Primary Heads, reached with CADAS training and delivery at the PHA conference in October

  • E-vaping leaflet for parents and vaping resources sent to all schools in Cumbria

  • Provided CPD training and support to professionals on drug and alcohol awareness at Kendal college


Ready to book a schools workshop for 2025?

If you would like to arrange for a workshop to be delivered in your school, we would love to hear from you!

Simply visit our School Workshops page and complete the contact form. We will then be in touch to book your session(s).


 Highlights from South Cumbria -

Lisa Moser, Young People’s Worker & Recovery Coach

“I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting 16 different schools and youth organisations in South Cumbria since joining CADAS as the Young People’s Worker in May 2024. Delivering our vaping and smoking workshop is imperative as we’re finding more young people taking up vaping at an increasingly young age.

I have learned to adapt and tailor activities to suit young people of varied ages, group sizes and educational needs.

The workshop is always enthusiastically received by both young people and the staff. Some schools have already identified a vaping issue amongst their pupils and have said they didn’t know enough about vapes to feel confident to educate about vapes.  I look forward to the new year and meeting more young people through my role within CADAS.


Highlights from North & West Cumbria - Jen Marrs, Young People’s Worker

From creating the new resources for our Vaping Awareness Delivery Programme we have seen a vast uptake from schools and youth clubs for our support in creating more informed lifestyle choices. 

Since March 2023 I have delivered 73 awareness sessions to schools and youth clubs.  Young people have been responsive to the information provided and schools are now booking in sessions for 2025.


It has been a pleasure to head back into Junior Schools.  The young people have engaged well with the interactive learning and they are always keen to answer questions and have the opportunity to express their own views.  Gaining rapport with groups is essential for well formed outcomes and therefore we provide a vast tool kit to enable all participants to get involved.  One young person commented on after completing the session that they would feel comfortable in gaining more support from CADAS.


We are also working on providing more guidance for parents and carers - watch this space!

The CADAS Young People's Team (l-r):

Jen Marrs, Lisa Moser and Hollie Wainwright


What’s new for 2025?

Vaping awareness video for parents

We are excited to reveal that during the spring/summer we are hoping to release a 3-5 minute video aimed at parents on the harms of vaping. With the help of media studies students at Kendal College we believe that this video will be a useful aid to parents.  We feel that parents need more support in this area. WATCH THIS SPACE!


YouTube channel

Please take a moment to watch our Work with Young People video to find out more about the fantastic education workshops CADAS deliver.


We help up to a thousand people a year via school and youth based education workshops on topics such as drugs alcohol, vaping and gaming.  We see around 40-50 young people a year that are in crisis.  It is so heartwarming when we read their impact statements and hear how CADAS have helped them to make better lifestyle choices.


CADAS Launches Bereaved by Addiction Support in Cumbria

Thanks to funding from our local councils in Westmorland & Furness and Cumberland, CADAS will support families in Cumbria who have been bereaved by addiction.

This CADAS pilot project will offer those bereaved by addiction access to:

  • A mixture of face to face and virtual peer support groups across the county

  • Bio-Psychosocial Interventions with a Recovery Coach

  • Depending on whether they are experiencing addiction themselves or are an affected other, they will be able to access existing peer support groups


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