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Reducing harmful addiction across Cumbria
Every Tuesday, 17th September - 22nd October 2024
10:30am - 12:30pm
#Healthy #Habit #Hacking is a free 6 week programme that gives people with mental health support needs information, ideas and support to tackle unhealthy or unhelpful habits as well as the motivation to set up positive new ones.
People signing up to the course must be able to attend all six sessions
Why is HHH important?
We want to enable people to better manage those co-occurring health issues that statistically increase with serious mental illness (SMI).
People with SMI can be more vulnerable to poor physical health and chronic conditions that have likely arisen based on some of their lifestyle behaviours (which are often ‘coping’ strategies as a result of their mental health condition). These can then become entrenched habits that become difficult to break without targeted and structured support.

A breakdown of the 6 sessions:
17th Sept: Atomic Habits” – looking at the psychology and physiology around addictions and habit making/breaking tools and techniques,
24th Sept: Alcohol, smoking and vaping,
1st Oct: Sleeping,
8th Oct: Sugar/food/ultra processed food consumption,
15th Oct: Getting active,
22nd Oct: Gambling/compulsive spending.
Your client doesn’t have to have issues in all of these areas as this course is preventative, but they do need to attend all 6 sessions.
What’s our delivery style?
Delivered in a peer support group format (where support workers are even invited to attend alongside their clients), we’ll explain to people why they are not just lazy or weak willed when it comes to their choices and behaviours. We will create opportunities for them to think about, and even try some of our top tips regarding behavioural change to help them tackle some of their unhelpful habits.
Each session is 2 hours and is delivered in an accessible community setting – with plenty of breaks and an activity based, engaging style.

Referral pathway/eligibility:
Individuals must be booked on via a support organisation.
To ensure eligibility they must have a diagnosis or have experienced poor mental health in the last 12 months.
The referral organisation signs up, sharing the contact details of a named worker who will be consistently available to encourage the participant or support them with any barriers they may experience accessing the course.
The worker will be expected to communicate with our trainer on any emerging issues as well as help the participant work on their behavioural change action plans once the programme has finished.
Finally the worker will commit to completing a short questionnaire several weeks after the programme is complete providing feedback on impact and lifestyle changes that have arisen.
Simply fill in the form below
Once formally booked you will receive resources to help the participant get ready to attend.
Session times and locations
This programme is delivered at
The Boulevard Centre in Blackburn 45 Railway Road Blackburn BB1 1EZ
everyTuesday between 10:30 and 12:30 from the 17th September to 22nd October 2024.